Thursday, April 15, 2010

I am responding to the various discus...

Cacoethes Publishing- Bookkeeper- Rosemary Pargoud- If her name is there it is a scam.
I am responding to the various discussions regarding Cacoethes Publishing and myself. I have my best to provide any and all information to the authors regarding royalty books sales and royalty payments. I have been accused of being non -responsive which is not true. My hands are tied in this. Due to confidentiality I cannot release any information on the financial status of Cacoethes. I can only say that I did the work I was compensated for. If you have anyquestions please feel free to contact me. Thank you. Rosemary 253-222-6301
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Rosemary Pargoud- Bookkeeper
Cacoethes has robbed every single one of the writers, as well as their sole editor, who is a single mom with children to look after. They owe me money, won't re-stock my book, and they won't respond the hundreds of emails regarding their heinous unprofessionalism and total breach of contract. What can anyone say about a company like this? They don't care and they don't deserve to be defended here after the pain and suffering they've caused so many good people...

Bookkeeper- Rosemary Pargoud
Hello all,

I am an author for Cacoethes Publishing House. I've been with them since they opened their doors. In fact my book was on the roster for their first four releases. I've been reading the comments about the company and I thought I'd put in my two cents here since most of the authors commenting here don't have their books out yet, and might not necessarily know what to expect. http://

First off, I honestly don't know what to think at this point. I hesitate to label anyone before I know all the facts, but my patience is not endless and at this point it is nearly gone. I appreciate Cacoethes for helping me get my foot into the door of the publishing world. When they first started out there were, of course, fewer authors and things ran more smoothly and promptly. I was a newbie author and foolishly signed about three contracts right off the bat. (which does not just apply to Cac. I wouldn't recommend signing multiple contracts to ANY new publisher straight out of the gate) Anyway, things ran more smoothly then. However, I started noticing a high turn over rate for staff. After that it kind of went down hill.

Now, the staff (that stuck around) did keep in contact with me. They are a friendly, hardworking bunch from what I can see, but apparently (as they told me) they've had a few bad apples that have slowed down production: horrible bookkeepers( Rosemary Pargoud,, editors, etc. I understand that a new company will undergo its share of mishaps and roadblocks, but seriously, there is a time when you have to say let's get this stuff straightened out and LETS inform our authors about what the heck is going on here!

I've been patient. I've asked questions and made inquiries as well as suggestions. I've been courteous, and still I am seeing unsatisfactory results. I am one of their bestselling authors and I've sold books in the hundreds-- and do I make any money? No. Have royalty statements, e-book releases, and updates been late. Yes. Could editing have been better for my first few releases? Yes. To be fair, the editing process is much better than it was when I first signed with them.

I will not tell people to sign or not to sign with Cacoethes. When potential authors contact me to ask about the company I give them an honest answer with the positive and negative aspects of the company. As for myself, I've decided that Cacoethes and I do not mesh well. I am unhappy with the way things are going. I have asked to be released from my contracts. As it stands I have not yet received a straightforward answer.
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Looks as if I'm not the only one who wants justice.